Directed by William K.L. Dickson
This entry is a series of eight short kinetoscope films. There are separate IMDb pages for each of them (linked below). The exact order and titles of the shorts are at odds in places. The following order is taken from Wikipedia:
- Rip’s Toast
- Rip Meets the Dwarf
- Rip and the Dwarf
- Rip Leaving Sleepy Hollow
- Rip’s Toast to Hudson and Crew
- Rip’s Twenty Years’ Sleep
- Awakening of Rip
- Rip Passing Over Hill
The series was released on DVD on the More Treasures From American Film Archives box set, which is long out of print and fetching high prices on Amazon. Used copies are more reasonably priced.
The series has since been released as a bonus on Grapevine’s 1921 version of Rip Van Winkle on DVD, which can be purchased from Amazon or Grapevine.
All eight films can be seen on the Internet Archive and YouTube.