Here is the complete list of National Film Registry titles. It is sorted by year of entry into the Registry (and alphabetically within each year); you can choose how to re-sort it.
An asterisk in the Title column means that more than one version of the film has been released.
Only credited directors are listed in the Director column. If there is no director in the onscreen credits or there are no credits, I defer to the Internet Movie Database.
The Label column shows the title’s most recent, in-print label unless the title is out of print altogether.
The Format column shows only the most recent format that’s in print. An asterisk indicates an out-of-print title; two asterisks mean the title is only available as a non-US import.
Clicking on a title will open a separate page where, along with the year of release, year of entry into the Registry, and director(s), you will find links to the title’s IMDb page, Wikipedia entry (if there is one), Chicago Reader review (if there is one), and Letterboxd page. You will also find links to home video releases that are available on Amazon or the website of the title’s label or both. Additional information is provided for some of the more obscure titles. Out-of-print editions are only noted if there is no in-print edition.
With a few exceptions, links to YouTube and other online video sources are provided (when available) if the film in question is unavailable on a home video format or is only available as an out-of-print, import, or institutionally priced home video.
Format key: BD = Blu-ray Disc, 4K = 4K Ultra HD, LD = LaserDisc (VHS and DVD are self-evident)
Title | Director | Year | Induction | Label | Format |
Best Years of Our Lives, The | William Wyler | 1946 | 1989 | Warner Archive | BD |
Casablanca | Michael Curtiz | 1942 | 1989 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Citizen Kane | Orson Welles | 1941 | 1989 | Criterion | 4K |
Crowd, The | King Vidor | 1928 | 1989 | MGM | LD* |
Dr. Strangelove | Stanley Kubrick | 1964 | 1989 | Sony | 4K |
General, The | Buster Keaton & Clyde Bruckman | 1927 | 1989 | Cohen Media Group | BD |
Gone With the Wind | Victor Fleming | 1939 | 1989 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Grapes of Wrath, The | John Ford | 1940 | 1989 | 20th Century Fox | BD |
High Noon | Fred Zinnemann | 1952 | 1989 | Kino | 4K |
Intolerance* | D.W. Griffith | 1916 | 1989 | Cohen Media Group | BD |
Learning Tree, The | Gordon Parks | 1969 | 1989 | Criterion | BD |
Maltese Falcon, The | John Huston | 1941 | 1989 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Modern Times | Charles Chaplin | 1936 | 1989 | Criterion | BD |
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington | Frank Capra | 1939 | 1989 | Sony | 4K |
Nanook of the North* | Robert J. Flaherty | 1922 | 1989 | Flicker Alley | BD |
On the Waterfront | Elia Kazan | 1954 | 1989 | Sony | 4K |
Searchers, The | John Ford | 1956 | 1989 | Warner Archive | 4K |
Singin' in the Rain | Gene Kelly & Stanley Donen | 1952 | 1989 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs | David Hand | 1937 | 1989 | Disney | 4K |
Some Like It Hot | Billy Wilder | 1959 | 1989 | Criterion | 4K |
Star Wars: Episode IV-A New Hope* | George Lucas | 1977 | 1989 | Disney | 4K |
Sunrise* | F. W. Murnau | 1927 | 1989 | Masters of Cinema | BD** |
Sunset Boulevard | Billy Wilder | 1950 | 1989 | Paramount | BD |
Vertigo | Alfred Hitchcock | 1958 | 1989 | Universal | 4K |
Wizard of Oz, The | Victor Fleming | 1939 | 1989 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
All About Eve | Joseph L. Mankiewicz | 1950 | 1990 | Criterion | BD |
All Quiet on the Western Front* | Lewis Milestone | 1930 | 1990 | Universal | BD |
Bringing Up Baby | Howard Hawks | 1938 | 1990 | Criterion | BD |
Dodsworth | William Wyler | 1936 | 1990 | Warner Archive | BD |
Duck Soup | Leo McCarey | 1933 | 1990 | Universal | BD |
Fantasia* | Walt Disney | 1940 | 1990 | Disney | BD |
Freshman, The | Fred C. Newmeyer & Sam Taylor | 1925 | 1990 | Criterion | BD |
Godfather, The* | Francis Ford Coppola | 1972 | 1990 | Paramount | 4K |
Great Train Robbery, The | Edwin S. Porter | 1903 | 1990 | Kino | DVD |
Harlan County USA | Barbara Kopple | 1976 | 1990 | Criterion | DVD |
How Green Was My Valley | John Ford | 1941 | 1990 | 20th Century Fox | BD |
It's a Wonderful Life | Frank Capra | 1946 | 1990 | Paramount | 4K |
Killer of Sheep | Charles Burnett | 1977 | 1990 | Criterion | 4K |
Love Me Tonight | Rouben Mamoulian | 1932 | 1990 | Kino | BD |
Meshes of the Afternoon | Maya Deren & Alexander Hammid | 1943 | 1990 | Flicker Alley | BD |
Ninotchka | Ernst Lubitsch | 1939 | 1990 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Primary | Robert Drew | 1960 | 1990 | Criterion | BD |
Raging Bull | Martin Scorsese | 1980 | 1990 | Criterion | 4K |
Rebel Without a Cause | Nicholas Ray | 1955 | 1990 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Red River* | Howard Hawks | 1948 | 1990 | Criterion | BD |
River, The | Pare Lorentz | 1939 | 1990 | Kino | BD |
Sullivan's Travels | Preston Sturges | 1941 | 1990 | Criterion | BD |
Top Hat | Mark Sandrich | 1935 | 1990 | Warner Bros. | DVD |
Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The | John Huston | 1948 | 1990 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Woman Under the Influence, A | John Cassavetes | 1974 | 1990 | Criterion | BD |
2001: A Space Odyssey | Stanley Kubrick | 1968 | 1991 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Battle of San Pietro, The | John Huston | 1945 | 1991 | Olive | BD |
Blood of Jesus, The | Spencer Williams | 1941 | 1991 | Kino | BD |
Chinatown | Roman Polanski | 1974 | 1991 | Paramount | 4K |
City Lights | Charles Chaplin | 1931 | 1991 | Criterion | BD |
David Holzman's Diary | Jim McBride | 1967 | 1991 | Kino | BD |
Frankenstein | James Whale | 1931 | 1991 | Universal | 4K |
Gertie the Dinosaur | Winsor McCay | 1914 | 1991 | Milestone | DVD |
Gigi | Vincente Minnelli | 1958 | 1991 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Greed* | Erich von Stroheim | 1924 | 1991 | MGM/UA | VHS* |
High School | Frederick Wiseman | 1969 | 1991 | Zipporah | DVD |
I Am a Fugitive From a Chain Gang | Mervyn LeRoy | 1932 | 1991 | Warner Bros. | DVD* |
Italian, The | Reginald Barker | 1915 | 1991 | Flicker Alley | DVD |
King Kong* | Merian C. Cooper & Ernest B. Shoedsack | 1933 | 1991 | Warner Archive | BD |
Lawrence of Arabia* | David Lean | 1962 | 1991 | Sony | 4K |
Magnificent Ambersons, The | Orson Welles | 1942 | 1991 | Criterion | BD |
My Darling Clementine* | John Ford | 1946 | 1991 | Criterion | BD |
Out of the Past | Jacques Tourneur | 1947 | 1991 | Warner Archive | BD |
Place in the Sun, A | George Stevens | 1951 | 1991 | Paramount | BD |
Poor Little Rich Girl, The | Maurice Tourneur | 1917 | 1991 | Alpha Video | DVD |
Prisoner of Zenda, The | John Cromwell | 1937 | 1991 | Warner Bros. | DVD |
Shadow of a Doubt | Alfred Hitchcock | 1943 | 1991 | Universal | 4K |
Sherlock Jr. | Buster Keaton | 1924 | 1991 | Kino | BD |
Tevye | Maurice Schwartz | 1939 | 1991 | Kino | BD |
Trouble in Paradise | Ernst Lubitsch | 1932 | 1991 | Criterion | DVD |
Adam’s Rib | George Cukor | 1949 | 1992 | MGM | DVD |
Annie Hall | Woody Allen | 1977 | 1992 | MGM | BD |
Bank Dick, The | Edward F. Cline | 1940 | 1992 | Kino | BD |
Big Business | James W. Horne | 1929 | 1992 | Image | DVD* |
Big Parade, The | King Vidor | 1925 | 1992 | Warner Archive | BD |
Birth of a Nation, The* | D.W. Griffith | 1915 | 1992 | Kino | BD |
Bonnie and Clyde | Arthur Penn | 1967 | 1992 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Carmen Jones | Otto Preminger | 1954 | 1992 | 20th Century Fox | BD |
Castro Street | Bruce Baillie | 1966 | 1992 | Flicker Alley | BD* |
Detour | Edgar G. Ulmer | 1945 | 1992 | Criterion | BD |
Dog Star Man | Stan Brackage | 1964 | 1992 | Criterion | BD |
Double Indemnity | Billy Wilder | 1944 | 1992 | Criterion | 4K |
Footlight Parade | Lloyd Bacon | 1933 | 1992 | Warner Archive | BD |
Gold Rush, The* | Charles Chaplin | 1925 | 1992 | Criterion | BD |
Letter From an Unknown Woman | Max Ophüls | 1948 | 1992 | Olive | BD |
Morocco | Josef von Sternberg | 1930 | 1992 | Criterion | BD |
Nashville | Robert Altman | 1975 | 1992 | Paramount | BD |
Night of the Hunter, The | Charles Laughton | 1957 | 1992 | Kino | 4K |
Paths of Glory | Stanley Kubrick | 1958 | 1992 | Kino | 4K |
Psycho | Alfred Hitchcock | 1960 | 1992 | Universal | 4K |
Ride the High Country | Sam Peckinpah | 1962 | 1992 | Warner Archive | BD |
Salesman | Albert Maysles, David Maysles, Charlotte Zwerin | 1969 | 1992 | Criterion | BD |
Salt of the Earth | Herbert J. Biberman | 1954 | 1992 | The Film Detective | BD |
What's Opera, Doc? | Chuck Jones | 1957 | 1992 | Warner Archive | BD |
Within Our Gates | Oscar Micheaux | 1920 | 1992 | Kino | BD |
American in Paris, An | Vincente Minnelli | 1951 | 1993 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Badlands | Terrence Malick | 1973 | 1993 | Criterion | BD |
Black Pirate, The | Albert Parker | 1926 | 1993 | Cohen Media Group | BD |
Blade Runner* | Ridley Scott | 1982 | 1993 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Cat People | Jacques Tourneur | 1942 | 1993 | Criterion | BD |
Cheat, The | Cecil B. DeMille | 1915 | 1993 | Kino | DVD |
Chulas Fronteras | Les Blank | 1976 | 1993 | Arhoolie | BD |
Eaux d’Artifice | Kenneth Anger | 1953 | 1993 | Flicker Alley | BD |
Godfather Part II, The | Francis Ford Coppola | 1974 | 1993 | Paramount | 4K |
His Girl Friday | Howard Hawks | 1940 | 1993 | Sony | 4K |
It Happened One Night | Frank Capra | 1934 | 1993 | Sony | 4K |
Lassie Come Home | Fred M. Wilcox | 1943 | 1993 | Warner Bros. | DVD |
Magical Maestro | Tex Avery | 1952 | 1993 | Warner Archive | BD |
March of Time: Inside Nazi Germany | Jack Glenn | 1938 | 1993 | online | |
Night at the Opera, A | Sam Wood | 1935 | 1993 | Warner Archive | BD |
Nothing but a Man | Michael Roemer | 1964 | 1993 | Criterion | BD |
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest | Milos Forman | 1975 | 1993 | Warner Bros. | BD* |
Point of Order | Emile de Antonio | 1964 | 1993 | New Yorker | DVD* |
Shadows* | John Cassavetes | 1959 | 1993 | Criterion | BD |
Shane | George Stevens | 1953 | 1993 | Paramount | BD |
Sweet Smell of Success | Alexander Mackendrick | 1957 | 1993 | Criterion | BD |
Touch of Evil* | Orson Welles | 1958 | 1993 | Kino | 4K |
Where Are My Children? | Phillips Smalley & Lois Weber | 1916 | 1993 | Kino | BD |
Wind, The | Victor Sjöström | 1928 | 1993 | Mythical Popcorn | DVD |
Yankee Doodle Dandy | Michael Curtiz | 1942 | 1993 | Warner Archive | BD |
African Queen, The | John Huston | 1951 | 1994 | Paramount | BD |
Apartment, The | Billy Wilder | 1960 | 1994 | Kino | 4K |
Cool World, The | Shirley Clarke | 1964 | 1994 | Loving the Classics | DVD |
Corner in Wheat | D.W. Griffith | 1909 | 1994 | Kino | DVD |
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial* | Steven Spielberg | 1982 | 1994 | Universal | 4K |
Exploits of Elaine, The | Louis J. Gasnier, George B. Seitz, Leopold Wharton | 1914 | 1994 | Grapevine/unavailable | |
Force of Evil | Abraham Polonsky | 1948 | 1994 | Kino | BD |
Freaks* | Tod Browning | 1932 | 1994 | Criterion | BD |
Hell's Hinges | Charles Swickard | 1916 | 1994 | Alpha Video | DVD |
Hospital | Frederick Wiseman | 1970 | 1994 | Zipporah | DVD |
Invasion of the Body Snatchers | Don Siegel | 1956 | 1994 | Kino | 4K |
Lady Eve, The | Preston Sturges | 1941 | 1994 | Criterion | BD |
Louisiana Story | Robert J. Flaherty | 1948 | 1994 | Alpha Video | DVD |
Manchurian Candidate, The | John Frankenheimer | 1962 | 1994 | Kino | 4K |
Marty | Delbert Mann | 1955 | 1994 | Kino | BD |
Meet Me in St. Louis | Vincente Minnelli | 1944 | 1994 | Warner Archive | BD |
Midnight Cowboy | John Schlesinger | 1969 | 1994 | Criterion | BD |
Movie, A | Bruce Conner | 1958 | 1994 | online | |
Pinocchio | Ben Sharpsteen & Hamilton Luske | 1940 | 1994 | Disney | BD |
Safety Last! | Fred C. Newmeyer & Sam Taylor | 1923 | 1994 | Criterion | BD |
Scarface* | Howard Hawks | 1932 | 1994 | Criterion | 4K |
Snow-White* | Dave Fleischer | 1933 | 1994 | Olive | BD |
Tabu: A Story of the South Seas | F. W. Murnau | 1931 | 1994 | Kino | BD |
Taxi Driver | Martin Scorsese | 1976 | 1994 | Sony | 4K |
Zapruder Film | Abraham Zapruder | 1963 | 1994 | MPI | DVD |
Adventures of Robin Hood, The | Michael Curtiz & William Keighley | 1938 | 1995 | Warner Bros. | BD |
All That Heaven Allows | Douglas Sirk | 1955 | 1995 | Criterion | BD |
American Graffiti | George Lucas | 1973 | 1995 | Universal | BD |
Band Wagon, The | Vincente Minnelli | 1953 | 1995 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Blacksmith Scene | William K.L. Dickson | 1893 | 1995 | Kino | DVD |
Cabaret | Bob Fosse | 1972 | 1995 | Warner Archive | BD |
Chan Is Missing | Wayne Wang | 1982 | 1995 | Criterion | BD |
Conversation, The | Francis Ford Coppola | 1974 | 1995 | Lionsgate Limited | 4K |
Day the Earth Stood Still, The | Robert Wise | 1951 | 1995 | 20th Century Fox | BD |
El Norte | Gregory Nava | 1983 | 1995 | Criterion | BD |
Fatty's Tintype Tangle | Fatty Arbuckle | 1915 | 1995 | Mackinac Media | DVD |
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse*, The | Rex Ingram | 1921 | 1995 | Warner Archive | BD |
Fury | Fritz Lang | 1936 | 1995 | Warner Archive | BD |
Gerald McBoing-Boing | Robert Cannon | 1951 | 1995 | Sony | DVD |
Hospital, The | Arthur Hiller | 1971 | 1995 | Sandpiper Pictures | BD |
Jammin' the Blues | Gjon Mili | 1944 | 1995 | Warner Archive | BD |
Last of the Mohicans, The | Maurice Tourneur & Clarence Brown | 1920 | 1995 | Alpha Video | DVD |
Manhatta | Charles Sheeler & Paul Strand | 1921 | 1995 | Kino | BD |
North by Northwest | Alfred Hitchcock | 1959 | 1995 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Philadelphia Story, The | George Cukor | 1940 | 1995 | Criterion | BD |
Rip Van Winkle | William K.L. Dickson | 1896 | 1995 | Grapevine | DVD |
Seventh Heaven | Frank Borzage | 1927 | 1995 | Sami Records | DVD |
Stagecoach | John Ford | 1939 | 1995 | Criterion | BD |
To Fly! | Jim Freeman & Greg MacGillivray | 1976 | 1995 | Conoco | VHS* |
To Kill a Mockingbird | Robert Mulligan | 1962 | 1995 | Universal | 4K |
Awful Truth, The | Leo McCarey | 1937 | 1996 | Criterion | BD |
Broken Blossoms | D.W. Griffith | 1919 | 1996 | Kino | DVD |
Deer Hunter, The | Michael Cimino | 1978 | 1996 | Shout! Factory | 4K |
Destry Rides Again | George Marshall | 1939 | 1996 | Criterion | BD |
Flash Gordon | Frederick Stephani | 1936 | 1996 | Image | DVD* |
Forgotten Frontier, The | Marvin Breckinridge Patterson | 1931 | 1996 | Carousel Film and Video | DVD* |
Frank Film | Frank Mouris | 1973 | 1996 | Direct Cinema Limited | DVD |
Graduate, The | Mike Nichols | 1967 | 1996 | Criterion | BD |
Heiress, The | William Wyler | 1949 | 1996 | Criterion | BD |
Jazz Singer, The | Alan Crosland | 1927 | 1996 | Warner Archive | BD |
Life and Times of Rosie the Riveter, The | Connie Field | 1980 | 1996 | Clarity Films | DVD |
M*A*S*H | Robert Altman | 1970 | 1996 | 20th Century Fox | BD |
Mildred Pierce | Michael Curtiz | 1945 | 1996 | Criterion | 4K |
Outlaw Josey Wales, The | Clint Eastwood | 1976 | 1996 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Producers, The | Mel Brooks | 1968 | 1996 | Kino | BD |
Pull My Daisy | Robert Frank & Alfred Leslie | 1959 | 1996 | LUX | DVD** |
Road to Morocco | David Butler | 1942 | 1996 | Kino | BD |
She Done Him Wrong | Lowell Sherman | 1933 | 1996 | Kino | BD |
Shock Corridor | Samuel Fuller | 1963 | 1996 | Criterion | BD |
Show Boat | James Whale | 1936 | 1996 | Criterion | BD |
Thief of Bagdad, The | Raoul Walsh | 1924 | 1996 | Cohen Media Group | BD |
To Be or Not to Be | Ernst Lubitsch | 1942 | 1996 | Criterion | BD |
Topaz | Dave Tatsuno | 1945 | 1996 | online | |
Verbena Trágica | Charles Lamont | 1939 | 1996 | online | |
Woodstock* | Michael Wadleigh | 1970 | 1996 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Ben-Hur | Fred Niblo | 1925 | 1997 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Big Sleep, The* | Howard Hawks | 1946 | 1997 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Bridge on the River Kwai, The | David Lean | 1957 | 1997 | Sony | 4K |
Cops | Edward F. Cline & Buster Keaton | 1922 | 1997 | Kino | BD |
Czechoslovakia 1968 | Robert M. Fresco & Denis Sanders | 1969 | 1997 | National Archives | DVD* |
Grass | Merian C. Cooper & Ernest B. Shoedsack | 1925 | 1997 | Milestone | DVD |
Great Dictator, The | Charles Chaplin | 1940 | 1997 | Criterion | BD |
Harold and Maude | Hal Ashby | 1972 | 1997 | Paramount | BD |
Hindenburg Disaster Newsreel Footage | Paramount News | 1937 | 1997 | online | |
How the West Was Won | John Ford, Henry Hathaway, George Marshall | 1962 | 1997 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Hustler, The | Robert Rossen | 1961 | 1997 | 20th Century Fox | BD |
Knute Rockne, All American | Lloyd Bacon | 1940 | 1997 | Warner Archive | DVD |
Life and Death of 9413, a Hollywood Extra, The | Robert Florey & Slavko Vorkapich | 1927 | 1997 | Kino | BD |
Little Fugitive* | Ray Ashley, Morris Engel, Ruth Orkin | 1953 | 1997 | Kino | BD |
Mean Streets | Martin Scorsese | 1973 | 1997 | Criterion | 4K |
Motion-Painting No. 1 | Oskar Fischinger | 1947 | 1997 | Center for Visual Music | DVD |
Music Box, The | James Parrott | 1932 | 1997 | Kit Parker Films | BD |
Naked Spur, The | Anthony Mann | 1953 | 1997 | Warner Archive | BD |
Rear Window | Alfred Hitchcock | 1954 | 1997 | Universal | 4K |
Republic Steel Strike Riot Newsreel Footage | Paramount News | 1937 | 1997 | Illinois Labor History Society | DVD* |
Return of the Secaucus 7 | John Sayles | 1980 | 1997 | MGM | DVD* |
Thin Man, The | W.S. Van Dyke | 1934 | 1997 | Warner Archive | BD |
Tulips Shall Grow | George Pal | 1942 | 1997 | B2MP | BD |
West Side Story | Robert Wise & Jerome Robbins | 1961 | 1997 | MGM | BD |
Wings | William A. Wellman | 1927 | 1997 | Paramount | BD |
42nd Street | Lloyd Bacon | 1933 | 1998 | Warner Archive | BD |
Bride of Frankenstein | James Whale | 1935 | 1998 | Universal | 4K |
City, The | Ralph Steiner & Willard Van Dyke | 1939 | 1998 | Naxos | DVD |
Dead Birds | Robert Gardner | 1964 | 1998 | Documentary Educational Resources | DVD |
Dont Look Back | D.A. Pennebaker | 1967 | 1998 | Criterion | BD |
Easy Rider | Dennis Hopper | 1969 | 1998 | Criterion | BD |
From the Manger to the Cross | Sidney Olcott | 1912 | 1998 | Grapevine | BD |
Gun Crazy | Joseph H. Lewis | 1950 | 1998 | Warner Archive | BD |
Hitch-Hiker, The | Ida Lupino | 1953 | 1998 | Kino | BD |
Immigrant, The | Charles Chaplin | 1917 | 1998 | Flicker Alley | BD |
Last Picture Show, The | Peter Bogdanovich | 1971 | 1998 | Criterion | 4K |
Little Miss Marker | Alexander Hall | 1934 | 1998 | Kino | BD |
Lost World, The* | Harry O. Hoyt | 1925 | 1998 | Flicker Alley | BD |
Modesta | Benjamin Doniger | 1956 | 1998 | online | |
Ox-Bow Incident, The | William A. Wellman | 1943 | 1998 | Kino | BD |
Pass the Gravy | Fred Guiol & Leo McCarey | 1928 | 1998 | Alive | DVD |
Phantom of the Opera, The* | Rupert Julian | 1925 | 1998 | Kino | BD |
Powers of Ten | Charles Eames & Ray Eames | 1977 | 1998 | Image | DVD* |
Public Enemy, The | William A. Wellman | 1931 | 1998 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Sky High | Lynn Reynolds | 1922 | 1998 | Undercrank Productions | BD |
Steamboat Willie | Ub Iwerks | 1928 | 1998 | Disney | BD |
Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse | Barney Elliott | 1940 | 1998 | online | |
Tootsie | Sydney Pollack | 1982 | 1998 | Sony | 4K |
Twelve O'Clock High | Henry King | 1949 | 1998 | 20th Century Fox | BD* |
Westinghouse Works, 1904 | G.W. Bitzer | 1904 | 1998 | Image/online | DVD* |
Civilization | Reginald Barker, Thomas H. Ince, Raymond B. West | 1916 | 1999 | Grapevine | DVD |
Do the Right Thing | Spike Lee | 1989 | 1999 | Universal | 4K |
Docks of New York, The | Josef von Sternberg | 1928 | 1999 | Criterion | BD |
Duck Amuck | Chuck Jones | 1953 | 1999 | Warner Bros. | DVD |
Emperor Jones, The* | Dudley Murphy | 1933 | 1999 | Film Masters | BD |
Gunga Din | George Stevens | 1939 | 1999 | Warner Bros. | DVD |
In the Land of the Head Hunters | Edward S. Curtis | 1914 | 1999 | Milestone | BD |
Jazz on a Summer's Day | Bert Stern | 1959 | 1999 | Kino | BD |
King: A Filmed Record... Montgomery to Memphis | Sidney Lumet, Joseph L. Mankiewicz | 1970 | 1999 | Kino | BD |
Kiss, The | William Heise | 1896 | 1999 | Kino | DVD |
Kiss Me Deadly | Robert Aldrich | 1955 | 1999 | Criterion | BD |
Lambchops | Murray Roth | 1929 | 1999 | Warner Archive | BD |
Laura* | Otto Preminger | 1944 | 1999 | 20th Century Fox | BD |
Master Hands | Gordon Avil | 1936 | 1999 | Flicker Alley | DVD* |
My Man Godfrey | Gregory La Cava | 1936 | 1999 | Criterion | BD |
Night of the Living Dead | George Romero | 1968 | 1999 | Criterion | 4K |
Plow That Broke the Plains, The* | Pare Lorentz | 1936 | 1999 | Naxos | DVD |
Raiders of the Lost Ark | Steven Spielberg | 1981 | 1999 | Paramount | 4K |
Roman Holiday | William Wyler | 1953 | 1999 | Paramount | 4K |
Shop Around the Corner, The | Ernst Lubitsch | 1940 | 1999 | Warner Archive | BD |
Streetcar Named Desire, A* | Elia Kazan | 1951 | 1999 | Warner Archive | BD |
Ten Commandments, The | Cecil B. DeMille | 1956 | 1999 | Paramount | 4K |
Trance and Dance in Bali | Margaret Mead & Gregory Bateson | 1952 | 1999 | online | |
Wild Bunch, The* | Sam Peckinpah | 1969 | 1999 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Woman of the Year | George Stevens | 1942 | 1999 | Criterion | BD |
Apocalypse Now* | Francis Ford Coppola | 1979 | 2000 | Lionsgate Limited | 4K |
Dracula | Tod Browning | 1931 | 2000 | Universal | 4K |
Fall of the House of Usher, The | James Sibley Watson & Melville Webber | 1928 | 2000 | Kino | DVD* |
Five Easy Pieces | Bob Rafelson | 1970 | 2000 | Criterion | BD |
Goodfellas | Martin Scorsese | 1990 | 2000 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Koyaanisqatsi | Godfrey Reggio | 1983 | 2000 | Criterion | BD |
Land Beyond the Sunset, The | Harold M. Shaw | 1912 | 2000 | Image | DVD* |
Let's All Go to the Lobby | Dave Fleischer | 1953 | 2000 | online | |
Life of Emile Zola, The | William Dieterle | 1937 | 2000 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Little Caesar | Mervyn LeRoy | 1931 | 2000 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Living Desert, The | James Algar | 1953 | 2000 | Disney | DVD* |
Love Finds Andy Hardy | George B. Seitz | 1938 | 2000 | Warner Bros. | DVD |
Multiple SIDosis | Sid Laverents | 1970 | 2000 | online | |
Network | Sidney Lumet | 1976 | 2000 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Peter Pan | Herbert Brenon | 1924 | 2000 | Kino | BD |
Porky in Wackyland | Robert Clampett | 1938 | 2000 | Warner Bros. | DVD |
President McKinley Inauguration Footage | Thomas A. Edison | 1901 | 2000 | online | |
Regeneration | Raoul Walsh | 1915 | 2000 | Flicker Alley | DVD |
Salomé | Charles Bryant | 1923 | 2000 | Kino | BD |
Shaft | Gordon Parks | 1971 | 2000 | Criterion | 4K |
Sherman's March | Ross McElwee | 1986 | 2000 | First Run Features | DVD |
Star Is Born, A* | George Cukor | 1954 | 2000 | Warner Archive | BD |
Tall T, The | Budd Boetticher | 1957 | 2000 | Criterion | 4K |
Why We Fight | Frank Capra/Anatole Litvak/Anthony Veiller | 1943-1945 | 2000 | Periscope Film | BD |
Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? | Frank Tashlin | 1957 | 2000 | Twilight Time | BD |
Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein | Charles Barton | 1948 | 2001 | Universal | BD |
All That Jazz | Bob Fosse | 1979 | 2001 | Criterion | BD |
All the King's Men | Robert Rossen | 1949 | 2001 | Sony | 4K |
America America | Elia Kazan | 1963 | 2001 | Warner Bros. | DVD |
Cologne: From the Diary of Ray and Esther | Esther Dowidat & Raymond Dowidat | 1939 | 2001 | Image | DVD* |
Evidence of the Film, The | Lawrence Marston & Edwin Thanhouser | 1913 | 2001 | Thanhouser | DVD |
Hoosiers | David Anspaugh | 1986 | 2001 | MGM | BD |
House in the Middle, The | Federal Civil Defense Administration | 1954 | 2001 | Kino | BD |
It | Clarence G. Badger | 1927 | 2001 | Mr. FAT-W Video | DVD |
Jam Session | Josef Berne | 1942 | 2001 | Kino | BD |
Jaws | Steven Spielberg | 1975 | 2001 | Universal | 4K |
Manhattan | Woody Allen | 1979 | 2001 | MGM | BD |
Marian Anderson: The Lincoln Memorial Concert | unknown | 1939 | 2001 | Image | DVD* |
Memphis Belle, The: A Story of a Flying Fortress | William Wyler | 1944 | 2001 | Periscope Film | BD |
Miracle of Morgan's Creek, The | Preston Sturges | 1944 | 2001 | Warner Bros. | DVD* |
Miss Lulu Bett | William C. de Mille | 1921 | 2001 | Grapevine | BD |
National Lampoon's Animal House | John Landis | 1978 | 2001 | Universal | 4K |
Planet of the Apes | Franklin J. Schaffner | 1968 | 2001 | 20th Century Fox | 4K |
Rose Hobart | Joseph Cornell | 1936 | 2001 | Image | DVD* |
Serene Velocity | Ernie Gehr | 1970 | 2001 | online | |
Sound of Music, The | Robert Wise | 1965 | 2001 | 20th Century Fox | BD |
Stormy Weather | Andrew Stone | 1943 | 2001 | Twilight Time | BD* |
Tell-Tale Heart, The | Ted Parmelee | 1953 | 2001 | Sony | BD |
Thin Blue Line, The | Errol Morris | 1988 | 2001 | Criterion | BD |
Thing From Another World, The | Christian Nyby | 1951 | 2001 | Warner Archive | BD |
Alien* | Ridley Scott | 1979 | 2002 | 20th Century Fox | 4K |
All My Babies | George C. Stoney | 1953 | 2002 | Flicker Alley | DVD |
Bad and the Beautiful, The | Vincente Minnelli | 1952 | 2002 | Warner Archive | BD |
Beauty and the Beast* | Gary Trousdale & Kirk Wise | 1991 | 2002 | Disney | 4K |
Black Stallion, The | Carroll Ballard | 1979 | 2002 | Criterion | BD |
Boyz n the Hood | John Singleton | 1991 | 2002 | Sony | 4K |
Endless Summer, The | Bruce Brown | 1966 | 2002 | Second Sight | BD** |
From Here to Eternity | Fred Zinnemann | 1953 | 2002 | Sony | 4K |
From Stump to Ship | Alfred Ames | 1930 | 2002 | Northeast Historic Film | DVD |
Fuji | Robert Breer | 1974 | 2002 | online | |
In the Heat of the Night | Norman Jewison | 1967 | 2002 | Criterion | 4K |
Lady Windermere's Fan | Ernst Lubitsch | 1925 | 2002 | Alpha Video | DVD |
Melody Ranch | Joseph Santley | 1940 | 2002 | Image | DVD* |
Pearl, The | Emilio Fernández | 1947 | 2002 | unknown label | DVD |
Punch Drunks | Lou Breslow | 1934 | 2002 | Sony | BD |
Sabrina | Billy Wilder | 1954 | 2002 | Paramount | BD |
Star Theatre | F.S. Armitage | 1901 | 2002 | Image | DVD* |
Stranger Than Paradise | Jim Jarmusch | 1984 | 2002 | Criterion | BD |
Theodore Case Sound Test: Gus Visser and His Singing Duck | Theodore Case | 1925 | 2002 | Image | DVD* |
This Is Cinerama | Merian C. Cooper & Gunther von Fritsch | 1952 | 2002 | Flicker Alley | BD |
This Is Spinal Tap | Rob Reiner | 1984 | 2002 | MGM | BD |
Through Navajo Eyes | various | 1966 | 2002 | VisionMaker | DVD* |
Why Man Creates | Saul Bass | 1968 | 2002 | Pyramid Media | DVD |
Wild and Woolly | John Emerson | 1917 | 2002 | Flicker Alley | DVD |
Wild River | Elia Kazan | 1960 | 2002 | 20th Century Fox | BD |
(nostalgia) | Hollis Frampton | 1971 | 2003 | Criterion | BD |
Antonia: A Portrait of the Woman | Judy Collins & Jill Godmilow | 1974 | 2003 | Cleopatra Records | DVD |
Atlantic City | Louis Malle | 1980 | 2003 | Paramount | BD |
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid | George Roy Hill | 1969 | 2003 | 20th Century Fox | BD |
Chechahcos, The | Lewis H. Moomaw | 1924 | 2003 | Image | DVD* |
Dickson Experimental Sound Film | William K.L. Dickson | 1894 | 2003 | Kino | DVD |
Film Portrait | Jerome Hill | 1973 | 2003 | online | |
Fox Movietone News: Jenkins Orphanage Band | Fox Movietone News | 1928 | 2003 | Broadway Video | DVD* |
Gold Diggers of 1933 | Mervyn LeRoy | 1933 | 2003 | Warner Archive | BD |
Hunters, The | John Marshall | 1957 | 2003 | Documentary Educational Resources | DVD |
Matrimony's Speed Limit | Alice Guy-Blaché | 1913 | 2003 | Kino | BD |
Medium Cool | Haskell Wexler | 1969 | 2003 | Criterion | BD |
National Velvet | Clarence Brown | 1944 | 2003 | Warner Archive | BD |
Naughty Marietta | Robert Z. Leonard & W.S. Van Dyke | 1935 | 2003 | Warner Archive | DVD |
One Froggy Evening | Chuck Jones | 1956 | 2003 | Warner Bros. | DVD |
Patton | Franklin J. Schaffner | 1970 | 2003 | 20th Century Fox | BD |
Princess Nicotine; or, the Smoke Fairy | James Stuart Blackton | 1909 | 2003 | Flicker Alley | DVD* |
Show People | King Vidor | 1928 | 2003 | Warner Archive | DVD |
Son of the Sheik, The | George Fitzmaurice | 1926 | 2003 | Kino | BD |
Tarzan and His Mate* | Cedric Gibbons | 1934 | 2003 | Warner Archive | DVD |
Tin Toy | John Lasseter | 1988 | 2003 | Disney | BD |
Wedding March, The | Erich von Stroheim | 1928 | 2003 | Paramount | VHS* |
White Heat | Raoul Walsh | 1949 | 2003 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Young Frankenstein | Mel Brooks | 1974 | 2003 | 20th Century Fox | BD |
Young Mr. Lincoln | John Ford | 1939 | 2003 | Criterion | BD |
Ben-Hur | William Wyler | 1959 | 2004 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Blue Bird, The | Maurice Tourneur | 1918 | 2004 | Alpha Video | DVD |
Bronx Morning, A | Jay Leyda | 1931 | 2004 | Kino | BD |
Clash of the Wolves | Noel Mason Smith | 1925 | 2004 | Kino | BD |
Court Jester, The | Melvin Frank & Norman Panama | 1956 | 2004 | Paramount | BD |
D.O.A. | Rudolph Maté | 1950 | 2004 | Mill Creek | DVD |
Daughters of the Dust | Julie Dash | 1991 | 2004 | Cohen Media Group | BD |
Duck and Cover | Anthony Rizzo | 1951 | 2004 | Kino | BD |
Empire | Andy Warhol | 1964 | 2004 | unavailable | |
Enter the Dragon | Robert Clouse | 1973 | 2004 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Eraserhead | David Lynch | 1977 | 2004 | Criterion | BD |
Garlic Is as Good as Ten Mothers | Les Blank | 1980 | 2004 | Criterion | BD |
Going My Way | Leo McCarey | 1944 | 2004 | Shout! Factory | BD |
Jailhouse Rock | Richard Thorpe | 1957 | 2004 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Kannapolis, N.C. | H. Lee Waters | 1941 | 2004 | Duke University | DVD* |
Lady Helen's Escapade | D.W. Griffith | 1909 | 2004 | online | |
Nutty Professor, The | Jerry Lewis | 1963 | 2004 | Paramount | 4K |
OffOn | Scott Bartlett | 1968 | 2004 | Image | DVD* |
Popeye the Sailor Meets Sindbad the Sailor | Dave Fleischer | 1936 | 2004 | Warner Bros. | DVD |
Pups Is Pups | Robert F. McGowan | 1930 | 2004 | ClassicFlix | BD |
Schindler's List | Steven Spielberg | 1993 | 2004 | Universal | 4K |
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers | Stanley Donen | 1954 | 2004 | Warner Archive | BD |
Swing Time | George Stevens | 1936 | 2004 | Criterion | BD |
There It Is | Harold L. Muller | 1928 | 2004 | Flicker Alley | BD |
Unforgiven | Clint Eastwood | 1992 | 2004 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Baby Face* | Alfred E. Green | 1933 | 2005 | Warner Archive | DVD |
Buffalo Creek Flood: An Act of Man, The | Mimi Pickering | 1975 | 2005 | Appalshop | DVD |
Cameraman, The | Edward Sedgwick | 1928 | 2005 | Criterion | BD |
Commandment Keeper Church, Beaufort, South Carolina, May 1940 | Zora Neale Hurston & Jane Belo | 1940 | 2005 | Kino | BD |
Cool Hand Luke | Stuart Rosenberg | 1967 | 2005 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Fast Times at Ridgemont High | Amy Heckerling | 1982 | 2005 | Criterion | BD |
French Connection, The | William Friedkin | 1971 | 2005 | 20th Century Fox | BD |
Giant | George Stevens | 1956 | 2005 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
H2O | Ralph Steiner | 1929 | 2005 | Kino | DVD* |
Hands Up! | Clarence G. Badger | 1926 | 2005 | Grapevine | DVD |
Hoop Dreams | Steve James | 1994 | 2005 | Criterion | BD |
House of Usher | Roger Corman | 1960 | 2005 | Shout! Factory | BD |
Imitation of Life | John M. Stahl | 1934 | 2005 | Criterion | BD |
Jeffries-Johnson World's Championship Boxing Contest | James Stuart Blackton | 1910 | 2005 | online/PBS | DVD |
Making of an American, The | Guy Hedlund | 1920 | 2005 | online | |
Miracle on 34th Street | George Seaton | 1947 | 2005 | 20th Century Fox | BD |
Mom and Dad* | William Beaudine | 1945 | 2005 | Kino | BD |
Music Man, The | Morton DaCosta | 1962 | 2005 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Power of the Press, The | Frank Capra | 1928 | 2005 | Grapevine | DVD |
Raisin in the Sun, A | Daniel Petrie | 1962 | 2005 | Criterion | BD |
Rocky Horror Picture Show, The | Jim Sharman | 1975 | 2005 | 20th Century Fox | BD |
San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, April 18, 1906 | unknown | 1906 | 2005 | online | |
Sting, The | George Roy Hill | 1973 | 2005 | Universal | 4K |
Time for Burning, A | William C. Jersey & Barbara Connell | 1966 | 2005 | Docurama | DVD* |
Toy Story | John Lasseter | 1995 | 2005 | Disney | 4K |
Applause | Rouben Mamoulian | 1929 | 2006 | Kino | DVD* |
Big Trail, The* | Raoul Walsh | 1930 | 2006 | 20th Century Fox | BD |
Blazing Saddles | Mel Brooks | 1974 | 2006 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Curse of Quon Gwon, The | Marion Wong | 1917 | 2006 | Kino | BD |
Daughter of Shanghai | Robert Florey | 1937 | 2006 | Mythical Popcorn | DVD |
Drums of Winter, The | Sarah Elder & Leonard Kamerling | 1988 | 2006 | Documentary Educational Resources | DVD |
Early Abstractions | Harry Smith | 1939-1956 | 2006 | Harry Smith Archives | DVD |
Fargo | Joel Coen | 1996 | 2006 | Shout! Factory | 4K |
Flesh and the Devil* | Clarence Brown | 1927 | 2006 | Warner Bros. | DVD |
Groundhog Day | Harold Ramis | 1993 | 2006 | Sony | 4K |
Halloween* | John Carpenter | 1978 | 2006 | Shout! Factory | 4K |
In the Street | Helen Levitt, Janice Loeb, and James Agee | 1948 | 2006 | Flicker Alley | BD* |
Last Command, The | Josef von Sternberg | 1928 | 2006 | Criterion | BD |
Notorious | Alfred Hitchcock | 1946 | 2006 | Criterion | BD |
Red Dust | Victor Fleming | 1932 | 2006 | Warner Archive | DVD |
Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania | Jonas Mekas | 1972 | 2006 | Potemkine Films | DVD** |
Rocky | John G. Avildsen | 1976 | 2006 | MGM | 4K |
sex, lies, and videotape | Steven Soderbergh | 1989 | 2006 | Criterion | BD |
Siege | Julien Bryan | 1940 | 2006 | Aquila Polonica | DVD |
St. Louis Blues | Dudley Murphy | 1929 | 2006 | Cohen Media Group | BD |
T.A.M.I. Show | Steve Binder | 1964 | 2006 | Shout! Factory | BD |
Tess of the Storm Country | Edwin S. Porter | 1914 | 2006 | Silent Hall of Fame | DVD |
Think of Me First as a Person | George Ingmire and Dwight Core | 1975 | 2006 | Legacy Films & Preservation | DVD |
Time Out of War, A | Denis Sanders | 1954 | 2006 | American Film Foundation | DVD* |
Traffic in Souls | George Loane Tucker | 1913 | 2006 | Flicker Alley | DVD |
12 Angry Men | Sidney Lumet | 1957 | 2007 | Kino | 4K |
Back to the Future | Robert Zemeckis | 1985 | 2007 | Universal | 4K |
Bullitt | Peter Yates | 1968 | 2007 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Close Encounters of the Third Kind* | Steven Spielberg | 1977 | 2007 | Sony | 4K |
Dance, Girl, Dance | Dorothy Arzner | 1940 | 2007 | Criterion | BD |
Dances With Wolves* | Kevin Costner | 1990 | 2007 | Shout! Factory | BD |
Days of Heaven | Terrence Malick | 1978 | 2007 | Criterion | 4K |
Glimpse of the Garden | Marie Menken | 1957 | 2007 | Icarus Films | DVD |
Grand Hotel | Edmund Goulding | 1932 | 2007 | Warner Bros. | BD |
House I Live In, The | Mervyn LeRoy | 1945 | 2007 | Grapevine | DVD |
In a Lonely Place | Nicholas Ray | 1950 | 2007 | Criterion | BD |
Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The | John Ford | 1962 | 2007 | Paramount | 4K |
Mighty Like a Moose | Leo McCarey | 1926 | 2007 | Criterion | BD |
Naked City, The | Jules Dassin | 1948 | 2007 | Criterion | BD |
Now, Voyager | Irving Rapper | 1942 | 2007 | Criterion | BD |
Oklahoma! | Fred Zinnemann | 1955 | 2007 | 20th Century Fox | BD |
Our Day | Wallace Kelley | 1938 | 2007 | online | |
Peege | Randal Kleiser | 1972 | 2007 | Phoenix Learning Group | DVD |
Sex Life of the Polyp, The | Thomas Chalmers | 1928 | 2007 | Kino | DVD* |
Strong Man, The | Frank Capra | 1926 | 2007 | Alpha Video | DVD |
Three Little Pigs* | Burt Gillett | 1933 | 2007 | Disney | DVD |
Tol'able David | Henry King | 1921 | 2007 | Flicker Alley | DVD |
Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son* | Ken Jacobs | 1969 | 2007 | Kino | BD |
Women, The | George Cukor | 1939 | 2007 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Wuthering Heights | William Wyler | 1939 | 2007 | Warner Archive | DVD |
7th Voyage of Sinbad, The | Nathan H. Juran | 1958 | 2008 | Sony | BD |
Asphalt Jungle, The | John Huston | 1950 | 2008 | Criterion | BD |
Deliverance | John Boorman | 1972 | 2008 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Disneyland Dream | Robbins Barstow | 1956 | 2008 | BTA Film and Video | DVD* |
Face in the Crowd, A | Elia Kazan | 1957 | 2008 | Criterion | BD |
Flower Drum Song | Henry Koster | 1961 | 2008 | Kino | BD |
Foolish Wives* | Erich von Stroheim | 1922 | 2008 | Flicker Alley | BD |
Free Radicals | Len Lye | 1979 | 2008 | Kino | DVD |
George Stevens World War II Footage | George Stevens | 1943-1946 | 2008 | Warner Bros. | DVD |
Hallelujah | King Vidor | 1929 | 2008 | Warner Archive | DVD |
In Cold Blood | Richard Brooks | 1967 | 2008 | Criterion | BD |
Invisible Man, The | James Whale | 1933 | 2008 | Universal | 4K |
Johnny Guitar | Nicholas Ray | 1954 | 2008 | Olive | BD |
Killers, The | Robert Siodmak | 1946 | 2008 | Criterion | BD |
March, The | James Blue | 1964 | 2008 | Smith Show Media Group | DVD* |
no lies | Mitchell Block | 1972 | 2008 | Direct Cinema Limited | DVD* |
On the Bowery | Lionel Rogosin | 1956 | 2008 | Milestone | BD |
One Week | Edward F. Cline & Buster Keaton | 1920 | 2008 | Kino | BD |
Pawnbroker, The | Sidney Lumet | 1965 | 2008 | Olive | BD |
Perils of Pauline, The | Louis J. Gasnier & Donald MacKenzie | 1914 | 2008 | Grapevine | DVD |
Sergeant York | Howard Hawks | 1941 | 2008 | Warner Archive | BD |
So's Your Old Man | Gregory La Cava | 1926 | 2008 | online | |
Terminator, The | James Cameron | 1984 | 2008 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Water and Power | Pat O'Neill | 1989 | 2008 | Lookout Mountain Studios | DVD* |
White Fawn's Devotion | James Young Deer | 1910 | 2008 | Milestone | BD |
Dog Day Afternoon | Sidney Lumet | 1975 | 2009 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Exiles, The | Kent MacKenzie | 1961 | 2009 | Milestone | BD |
Heroes All | Anthony Young | 1920 | 2009 | online | |
Hot Dogs for Gaugin | Martin Brest | 1972 | 2009 | online | |
Incredible Shrinking Man, The | Jack Arnold | 1957 | 2009 | Criterion | BD |
Jezebel | William Wyler | 1938 | 2009 | Warner Archive | BD |
Jungle, The | Harold Haskins | 1967 | 2009 | online | |
Lead Shoes, The | Sidney Peterson | 1949 | 2009 | Kino | DVD* |
Little Nemo | James Stuart Blackton & Winsor McCay | 1911 | 2009 | Milestone | DVD |
Mabel's Blunder | Mabel Normand | 1914 | 2009 | Kino | BD |
Mark of Zorro, The | Rouben Mamoulian | 1940 | 2009 | Kino | BD |
Michael Jackson's Thriller | John Landis | 1983 | 2009 | Sony | DVD |
Mrs. Miniver | William Wyler | 1942 | 2009 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Muppet Movie, The | James Frawley | 1979 | 2009 | Disney | BD |
Once Upon a Time in the West* | Sergio Leone | 1968 | 2009 | Paramount | 4K |
Pillow Talk | Michael Gordon | 1959 | 2009 | Universal | BD |
Precious Images* | Chuck Workman | 1986 | 2009 | online | |
Quasi at the Quackadero | Sally Cruikshank | 1975 | 2009 | Fun on Mars | DVD |
Red Book, The | Janie Geiser | 1994 | 2009 | online | |
Revenge of Pancho Villa, The | Félix and Edmundo Padilla | 1936 | 2009 | SubCine | DVD |
Scratch and Crow | Helen Hill | 1995 | 2009 | Peripheral Produce | DVD |
Stark Love | Karl Brown | 1927 | 2009 | online | |
Story of G.I. Joe, The | William A. Wellman | 1945 | 2009 | Ignite Films | BD |
Study in Reds, A | Miriam Bennett | 1932 | 2009 | Wisconsin Historical Society | DVD* |
Under Western Stars | Joseph Kane | 1938 | 2009 | Film Masters | BD |
Airplane! | Jim Abrams, David Zucker, Jerry Zucker | 1980 | 2010 | Paramount | 4K |
All the President's Men | Alan J. Pakula | 1976 | 2010 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Bargain, The | Reginald Barker | 1914 | 2010 | Grapevine | DVD |
Cry of Jazz, The | Edward O. Bland | 1959 | 2010 | MVD | DVD* |
Electronic Labyrinth: THX 1138 4EB | George Lucas | 1967 | 2010 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Exorcist, The* | William Friedkin | 1973 | 2010 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Front Page, The | Lewis Milestone | 1931 | 2010 | Criterion | BD |
Grey Gardens | Albert Maysles & David Maysles | 1975 | 2010 | Criterion | BD |
I Am Joaquin | Luis Valdez | 1969 | 2010 | online | |
It's a Gift | Norman Z. McLeod | 1934 | 2010 | Kino | BD |
Let There Be Light | John Huston | 1946 | 2010 | Olive | BD |
Lonesome | Paul Fejös | 1928 | 2010 | Criterion | BD |
Make Way for Tomorrow | Leo McCarey | 1937 | 2010 | Criterion | BD |
Malcom X | Spike Lee | 1992 | 2010 | Criterion | 4K |
McCabe & Mrs. Miller | Robert Altman | 1971 | 2010 | Criterion | 4K |
Newark Athlete | William K.L. Dickson | 1891 | 2010 | Kino | DVD |
Our Lady of the Sphere | Lawrence Jordan | 1972 | 2010 | Flicker Alley | BD* |
Pink Panther, The | Blake Edwards | 1963 | 2010 | MGM | BD |
Preservation of the Sign Language | George Veditz | 1913 | 2010 | Sign Media Inc. | VHS* |
Saturday Night Fever* | John Badham | 1977 | 2010 | Paramount | 4K |
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back* | Irvin Kershner | 1980 | 2010 | Disney | 4K |
Study of a River | Peter Hutton | 1996 | 2010 | online | |
Tarantella | Mary Ellen Bute | 1940 | 2010 | Flicker Alley | BD* |
Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A | Elia Kazan | 1945 | 2010 | Masters of Cinema | BD** |
Trip Down Market Street, A | Miles Brothers | 1906 | 2010 | online | |
Allures | Jordan Belson | 1961 | 2011 | Center for Visual Music | DVD |
Bambi | David Hand | 1942 | 2011 | Disney | BD |
Big Heat, The | Fritz Lang | 1953 | 2011 | Twilight Time | BD* |
Computer Animated Hand, A | Ed Catmull and Fred Parke | 1972 | 2011 | online | |
Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment | Robert Drew | 1963 | 2011 | Criterion | BD |
Cry of the Children, The | George Nichols | 1912 | 2011 | Thanhouser | DVD |
Cure for Pokeritis, A | Laurence Trimble | 1912 | 2011 | reelclassicdvd | DVD |
Faces | John Cassavetes | 1968 | 2011 | Criterion | BD |
Fake Fruit Factory | Chick Strand | 1986 | 2011 | Image | DVD* |
Forrest Gump | Robert Zemeckis | 1994 | 2011 | Paramount | 4K |
Growing Up Female | Julia Reichert and Jim Klein | 1971 | 2011 | New Day Films | DVD |
Hester Street | Joan Micklin Silver | 1975 | 2011 | Cohen Media Group | BD |
I, an Actress | George Kuchar | 1977 | 2011 | Image | DVD* |
Iron Horse, The | John Ford | 1924 | 2011 | 20th Century Fox | DVD |
Kid, The* | Charles Chaplin | 1921 | 2011 | Criterion | BD |
Lost Weekend, The | Billy Wilder | 1945 | 2011 | Kino | BD |
Mariachi, El | Robert Rodriguez | 1992 | 2011 | Arrow Video | BD |
Negro Soldier, The | Stuart Heisler | 1944 | 2011 | Olive | BD |
Nicholas Brothers Family Home Movies | Fayard and Harold Nicholas | 1930s-1940s | 2011 | unavailable | |
Norma Rae | Martin Ritt | 1979 | 2011 | 20th Century Fox | BD |
Porgy and Bess | Otto Preminger | 1959 | 2011 | unknown label | DVD |
Silence of the Lambs, The | Jonathan Demme | 1991 | 2011 | Kino | 4K |
Stand and Deliver | Ramón Menéndez | 1988 | 2011 | Warner Archive | BD |
Twentieth Century | Howard Hawks | 1934 | 2011 | Sony | DVD* |
War of the Worlds, The | Byron Haskin | 1953 | 2011 | Paramount | 4K |
3:10 to Yuma | Delmer Daves | 1957 | 2012 | Criterion | BD |
Anatomy of a Murder | Otto Preminger | 1959 | 2012 | Columbia | 4K |
Augustas, The | Scott Nixon | 1930s-1950s | 2012 | online | |
Born Yesterday | George Cukor | 1950 | 2012 | Columbia | DVD |
Breakfast at Tiffany's | Blake Edwards | 1961 | 2012 | Paramount | BD |
Christmas Story, A | Bob Clark | 1983 | 2012 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Corbett-Fitzsimmons Title Fight, The | Enoch J. Rector | 1897 | 2012 | online | |
Dirty Harry | Don Siegel | 1971 | 2012 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Hours for Jerome: Parts 1 and 2 | Nathaniel Dorsky | 1980-1982 | 2012 | unavailable | |
Kidnappers Foil, The | Melton Barker | 1930s-1950s | 2012 | online/Flicker Alley | BD |
Kodachrome Color Motion Picture Tests | John Capstaff | 1922 | 2012 | online | |
League of Their Own, A | Penny Marshall | 1992 | 2012 | Sony | 4K |
Matrix, The | Andy and Larry Wachowski | 1999 | 2012 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Middleton Family at the New York World's Fair, The | Robert R. Snody | 1939 | 2012 | The Historical Archive | DVD |
One Survivor Remembers | Kary Antholis | 1995 | 2012 | Direct Cinema Limited | DVD |
Parable | Rolf Forsberg and Tom Rook | 1964 | 2012 | Vision Video | DVD |
Samsara: Death and Rebirth in Cambodia | Ellen Bruno | 1990 | 2012 | Bruno Films | DVD |
Slacker | Richard Linklater | 1991 | 2012 | Criterion | BD |
Sons of the Desert | William A. Seiter | 1933 | 2012 | Kit Parker Films | BD |
Spook Who Sat by the Door, The | Ivan Dixon | 1973 | 2012 | Monarch | DVD* |
They Call It Pro Football | John Hentz | 1967 | 2012 | Warner Bros. | DVD |
Times of Harvey Milk, The | Rob Epstein | 1984 | 2012 | Criterion | BD |
Two-Lane Blacktop | Monte Hellman | 1971 | 2012 | Criterion | BD |
Uncle Tom's Cabin | William Robert Daly | 1914 | 2012 | Kino | BD |
Wishing Ring: An Idyll of Old England, The | Maurice Tourneur | 1914 | 2012 | Flicker Alley | DVD |
Bless Their Little Hearts | Billy Woodberry | 1984 | 2013 | Milestone | DVD |
Brandy in the Wilderness | Stanton Kaye | 1969 | 2013 | unavailable | |
Cicero March | Mike Gray | 1966 | 2013 | Facets | DVD* |
Daughter of Dawn, The | Norbert A. Myles | 1920 | 2013 | Milestone | BD |
Decasia | Bill Morrison | 2002 | 2013 | Icarus Films | BD |
Ella Cinders | Alfred E. Green | 1926 | 2013 | Grapevine | BD |
Forbidden Planet | Fred M. Wilcox | 1956 | 2013 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Gilda | Charles Vidor | 1946 | 2013 | Criterion | BD |
Hole, The | John Hubley | 1962 | 2013 | The Believer | DVD |
Judgment at Nuremberg | Stanley Kramer | 1961 | 2013 | Kino | BD |
King of Jazz | John Murray Anderson | 1930 | 2013 | Criterion | BD |
Lunch Date, The | Adam Davidson | 1989 | 2013 | Cinema 16 | DVD** |
Magnificent Seven, The | John Sturges | 1960 | 2013 | Shout! Factory | 4K |
Martha Graham Early Dance Films | Martha Graham | 1931-1944 | 2013 | unavailable/online | |
Mary Poppins | Robert Stevenson | 1964 | 2013 | Disney | BD |
Men and Dust | Lee Dick | 1940 | 2013 | online | |
Midnight | Mitchell Leisen | 1939 | 2013 | Universal | DVD |
Notes on the Port of St. Francis | Frank Stauffacher | 1951 | 2013 | online | |
Pulp Fiction | Quentin Tarantino | 1994 | 2013 | Paramount | 4K |
Quiet Man, The | John Ford | 1952 | 2013 | Paramount | BD |
Right Stuff, The | Philip Kaufman | 1983 | 2013 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Roger & Me | Michael Moore | 1989 | 2013 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Virtuous Vamp, A | David Kirkland & Sidney Franklin | 1919 | 2013 | unavailable | |
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf | Mike Nichols | 1966 | 2013 | Warner Archive | BD |
Wild Boys of the Road | William Wellman | 1933 | 2013 | Warner Archive | DVD |
13 Lakes | James Benning | 2004 | 2014 | online | |
Big Lebowski, The | Joel Coen | 1998 | 2014 | Universal | 4K |
Down Argentine Way | Irving Cummings | 1940 | 2014 | 20th Century Fox | DVD |
Dragon Painter, The | William Worthington | 1919 | 2014 | Milestone | BD |
Felicia | Trevor Greenwood, Robert Dickson, and Alan Gorg | 1965 | 2014 | A/V Geeks | DVD |
Ferris Bueller's Day Off | John Hughes | 1986 | 2014 | Paramount | 4K |
Gang's All Here, The | Busby Berkeley | 1943 | 2014 | Twilight Time | BD |
House of Wax | André de Toth | 1953 | 2014 | Warner Archive | BD |
Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport | Mark Jonathan Harris | 2000 | 2014 | Warner Bros. | DVD |
Lime Kiln Club Field Day | Edwin Middleton and T. Hayes Hunter | 1913 | 2014 | online | |
Little Big Man | Arthur Penn | 1970 | 2014 | Paramount | BD |
Luxo Jr. | John Lasseter | 1986 | 2014 | Disney | BD |
Moon Breath Beat | Lisze Bechtold | 1980 | 2014 | online | |
Please, Don't Bury Me Alive! | Efraín Gutiérrez | 1976 | 2014 | SubCine | DVD |
Power and the Glory, The | William K. Howard | 1933 | 2014 | 20th Century Fox-Cinema Archives | DVD |
Rio Bravo | Howard Hawks | 1959 | 2014 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Rosemary's Baby | Roman Polanski | 1968 | 2014 | Paramount | 4K |
Ruggles of Red Gap | Leo McCarey | 1935 | 2014 | Universal Vault Series | DVD |
Saving Private Ryan | Steven Spielberg | 1998 | 2014 | Paramount | 4K |
Shoes | Lois Weber | 1916 | 2014 | Milestone | BD |
State Fair | Henry King | 1933 | 2014 | Mythical Popcorn | DVD |
Unmasked | Grace Cunard and Francis Ford | 1917 | 2014 | Undercrank Productions | BD |
V-E + 1 | Samuel Fuller | 1945 | 2014 | Doriane Films | DVD** |
Way of Peace, The | Frank Tashlin | 1947 | 2014 | online | |
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory | Mel Stuart | 1971 | 2014 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Being There | Hal Ashby | 1979 | 2015 | Criterion | BD |
Black and Tan | Dudley Murphy | 1929 | 2015 | Cohen Media Group | BD |
Drácula | George Melford | 1931 | 2015 | Universal | 4K |
Dream of a Rarebit Fiend | Edwin S. Porter | 1906 | 2015 | Kino | DVD |
Eadweard Muybridge, Zoopraxographer | Thom Andersen | 1975 | 2015 | Cinema Guild | DVD |
Edison Kinetoscopic Record of a Sneeze | William K.L. Dickson and William Heise | 1894 | 2015 | Kino | DVD |
Fool There Was, A | Frank Powell | 1915 | 2015 | Kino | DVD |
Ghostbusters | Ivan Reitman | 1984 | 2015 | Sony | 4K |
Hail the Conquering Hero | Preston Sturges | 1944 | 2015 | Universal | DVD |
Humoresque | Frank Borzage | 1920 | 2015 | Alpha Video | DVD |
Imitation of Life | Douglas Sirk | 1959 | 2015 | Universal | BD |
Inner World of Aphasia, The | Edward R. Feil and Naomi Feil | 1968 | 2015 | Edward Feil Productions | DVD |
John Henry and the Inky-Poo | George Pal | 1946 | 2015 | B2MP | BD |
L.A. Confidential | Curtis Hanson | 1997 | 2015 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Mark of Zorro, The | Fred Niblo | 1920 | 2015 | Flicker Alley | DVD |
Old Mill, The | Wilfred Jackson | 1937 | 2015 | Disney | BD |
Our Daily Bread | King Vidor | 1934 | 2015 | The Film Detective | DVD |
Portrait of Jason | Shirley Clarke | 1967 | 2015 | Milestone | BD |
Seconds | John Frankenheimer | 1966 | 2015 | Criterion | BD |
Shawshank Redemption, The | Frank Darabont | 1994 | 2015 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Sink or Swim | Su Friedrich | 1990 | 2015 | Outcast Films | DVD |
Story of Menstruation, The | Walt Disney | 1946 | 2015 | online | |
Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One | William Greaves | 1968 | 2015 | Criterion | BD |
Top Gun | Tony Scott | 1986 | 2015 | Paramount | 4K |
Winchester '73 | Anthony Mann | 1950 | 2015 | Criterion | 4K |
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea | Stuart Paton | 1916 | 2016 | Kino | BD |
Atomic Cafe, The | Kevin Rafferty, Jayne Loader, and Pierce Rafferty | 1982 | 2016 | Kino | BD |
Ball of Fire | Howard Hawks | 1941 | 2016 | Warner Archive | DVD |
Beau Brummels, The | unknown | 1928 | 2016 | Warner Archive | DVD |
Birds, The | Alfred Hitchcock | 1963 | 2016 | Universal | 4K |
Blackboard Jungle | Richard Brooks | 1955 | 2016 | Warner Bros. | DVD |
Breakfast Club, The | John Hughes | 1985 | 2016 | Criterion | BD |
Decline of Western Civilization, The | Penelope Spheeris | 1981 | 2016 | Shout! Factory | BD |
East of Eden | Elia Kazan | 1955 | 2016 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Funny Girl | William Wyler | 1968 | 2016 | Criterion | 4K |
Life of an American Fireman* | Edwin S. Porter & George Fleming | 1903 | 2016 | Kino | DVD |
Lion King, The | Roger Allers and Rob Minkoff | 1994 | 2016 | Disney | 4K |
Lost Horizon | Frank Capra | 1937 | 2016 | Sony | 4K |
Musketeers of Pig Alley, The | D.W. Griffith | 1912 | 2016 | Kino | DVD |
Paris Is Burning | Jennie Livingston | 1990 | 2016 | Criterion | BD |
Point Blank | John Boorman | 1967 | 2016 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Princess Bride, The | Rob Reiner | 1987 | 2016 | Criterion | 4K |
Putney Swope | Robert Downey Sr. | 1969 | 2016 | Vinegar Syndrome | BD |
Rushmore | Wes Anderson | 1998 | 2016 | Criterion | BD |
Solomon Sir Jones Films | Solomon Sir Jones | 1924-1928 | 2016 | Kino/online | BD |
Steamboat Bill, Jr. | Charles Reisner | 1928 | 2016 | Cohen Media Group | BD |
Suzanne, Suzanne | Camille Billops and James Hatch | 1982 | 2016 | Third World Newsreel | DVD |
Thelma & Louise | Ridley Scott | 1991 | 2016 | Criterion | 4K |
Walk in the Sun, A | Lewis Milestone | 1945 | 2016 | The Sprocket Vault | BD |
Who Framed Roger Rabbit | Robert Zemeckis | 1988 | 2016 | Touchstone | 4K |
4 Little Girls | Spike Lee | 1997 | 2017 | HBO | DVD |
Ace in the Hole | Billy Wilder | 1951 | 2017 | Criterion | BD |
Boulevard Nights | Michael Pressman | 1979 | 2017 | Warner Archive | BD |
Die Hard | John McTiernan | 1988 | 2017 | 20th Century Fox | 4k |
Dumbo | Ben Sharpsteen | 1941 | 2017 | Disney | BD |
Field of Dreams | Phil Alden Robinson | 1989 | 2017 | Universal | 4K |
Fuentes Family Home Movies Collection | Antonio Rodríguez & Josefina Barrera Fuentes | 1920s-1930s | 2017 | online | |
Gentlemen's Agreement | Elia Kazan | 1947 | 2017 | 20th Century Fox | BD |
Goonies, The | Richard Donner | 1985 | 2017 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner | Stanley Kramer | 1967 | 2017 | Sony | 4K |
He Who Gets Slapped | Victor Sjöström | 1924 | 2017 | Warner Archive | DVD |
Interior New York Subway, 14th Street to 42nd Street | G.W. Bitzer | 1905 | 2017 | Image | DVD* |
La Bamba | Luis Valdez | 1987 | 2017 | Criterion | BD |
Lives of Performers | Yvonne Rainer | 1972 | 2017 | Zeitgeist | BD* |
Memento | Christopher Nolan | 2000 | 2017 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Only Angels Have Wings | Howard Hawks | 1939 | 2017 | Criterion | BD |
Sinking of the Lusitania, The | Winsor McCay | 1918 | 2017 | Milestone | DVD |
Spartacus | Stanley Kubrick | 1960 | 2017 | Universal | 4K |
Superman | Richard Donner | 1978 | 2017 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Thelonious Monk: Straight No Chaser | Charlotte Zwerin | 1988 | 2017 | Warner Bros. | DVD |
Time and Dreams | Mort Jordan | 1976 | 2017 | online | |
Titanic | James Cameron | 1997 | 2017 | Paramount | 4K |
To Sleep With Anger | Charles Burnett | 1990 | 2017 | Criterion | BD |
Wanda | Barbara Loden | 1970 | 2017 | Criterion | BD |
With the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in Spain | Henri Cartier-Bresson & Herbert Kline | 1938 | 2017 | Broadway Video | DVD* |
Bad Day at Black Rock | John Sturges | 1955 | 2018 | Warner Archive | BD |
Broadcast News | James L. Brooks | 1987 | 2018 | Criterion | BD |
Brokeback Mountain | Ang Lee | 2005 | 2018 | Kino | 4K |
Cinderella | Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson, Hamilton Luske | 1950 | 2018 | Disney | 4K |
Days of Wine and Roses | Blake Edwards | 1962 | 2018 | Warner Archive | BD |
Dixon-Wanamaker Expedition to Crow Agency | Joseph K. Dixon & Roland Dixon | 1908 | 2018 | online | |
Eve's Bayou | Kasi Lemmons | 1997 | 2018 | Criterion | BD |
Girl Without a Soul, The | John H. Collins | 1917 | 2018 | online | |
Hair Piece: A Film for Nappy-Headed People | Ayoka Chenzira | 1984 | 2018 | Milestone | BD |
Hearts and Minds | Peter Davis | 1974 | 2018 | Criterion | BD |
Hud | Martin Ritt | 1963 | 2018 | Paramount | DVD |
Informer, The | John Ford | 1935 | 2018 | Warner Archive | DVD |
Jurassic Park | Steven Spielberg | 1993 | 2018 | Universal | 4K |
Lady From Shanghai, The | Orson Welles | 1947 | 2018 | Sony | 4K |
Leave Her to Heaven | John M. Stahl | 1945 | 2018 | Criterion | BD |
Monterey Pop | D.A. Pennebaker | 1968 | 2018 | Criterion | BD |
My Fair Lady | George Cukor | 1964 | 2018 | Paramount | 4K |
Navigator, The | Donald Crisp & Buster Keaton | 1924 | 2018 | Cohen Media Group | BD |
On the Town | Gene Kelly & Stanley Donen | 1949 | 2018 | Warner Bros. | BD |
One-Eyed Jacks | Marlon Brando | 1961 | 2018 | Criterion | BD |
Pickup on South Street | Samuel Fuller | 1953 | 2018 | Criterion | BD |
Rebecca | Alfred Hitchcock | 1940 | 2018 | Criterion | BD |
Shining, The | Stanley Kubrick | 1980 | 2018 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Smoke Signals | Chris Eyre | 1998 | 2018 | Miramax | DVD |
Something Good-Negro Kiss | William Selig | 1898 | 2018 | online | |
Amadeus | Milos Forman | 1984 | 2019 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Becky Sharp | Rouben Mamoulian | 1935 | 2019 | Kino | BD |
Before Stonewall | Greta Schiller & Robert Rosenberg | 1984 | 2019 | First Run Features | DVD |
Body and Soul | Oscar Micheaux | 1925 | 2019 | Kino | BD |
Boys Don't Cry | Kimberly Peirce | 1999 | 2019 | 20th Century Fox | BD |
Clerks | Kevin Smith | 1994 | 2019 | Paramount | BD |
Coal Miner's Daughter | Michael Apted | 1980 | 2019 | Universal | BD |
Emigrants Landing at Ellis Island | Alfred C. Abadie | 1903 | 2019 | Image | DVD* |
Employees' Entrance | Roy Del Ruth | 1933 | 2019 | Warner Archive | DVD |
Fog of War, The | Errol Morris | 2003 | 2019 | Sony | BD |
Gaslight | George Cukor | 1944 | 2019 | Warner Archive | BD |
George Washington Carver at Tuskegee Institute | C. Allen Alexander | 1937 | 2019 | online | |
Girlfriends | Claudia Weill | 1978 | 2019 | Criterion | BD |
I Am Somebody | Madeline Anderson | 1970 | 2019 | Icarus Films | DVD |
Last Waltz, The | Martin Scorsese | 1978 | 2019 | Criterion | 4K |
My Name Is Oona | Gunvor Nelson | 1969 | 2019 | RE:VOIR | BD** |
New Leaf, A | Elaine May | 1971 | 2019 | Olive | BD |
Old Yeller | Robert Stevenson | 1957 | 2019 | Disney | DVD |
Phenix City Story, The | Phil Karlson | 1955 | 2019 | Warner Archive | DVD |
Platoon | Oliver Stone | 1986 | 2019 | Shout! Factory | 4K |
Purple Rain | Albert Magnoli | 1984 | 2019 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Real Women Have Curves | Patricia Cardoso | 2002 | 2019 | HBO | DVD |
She's Gotta Have It | Spike Lee | 1986 | 2019 | MGM | DVD |
Sleeping Beauty | Clyde Geronimi | 1959 | 2019 | Disney | BD |
Zoot Suit | Luis Valdez | 1981 | 2019 | Kino | BD |
Battle of the Century, The | Clyde Bruckman | 1927 | 2020 | Flicker Alley | BD |
Blues Brothers, The | John Landis | 1980 | 2020 | Universal | 4K |
Bread | Ida May Park | 1918 | 2020 | Kino | BD |
Buena Vista Social Club | Wim Wenders | 1999 | 2020 | Criterion | BD |
Cabin in the Sky | Vincente Minnelli | 1943 | 2020 | Warner Archive | BD |
Clockwork Orange, A | Stanley Kubrick | 1971 | 2020 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Dark Knight, The | Christopher Nolan | 2008 | 2020 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Devil Never Sleeps, The | Lourdes Portillo | 1994 | 2020 | Women Make Movies | DVD |
Freedom Riders | Stanley Nelson | 2010 | 2020 | PBS | BD |
Grease | Randal Kleiser | 1978 | 2020 | Paramount | 4K |
Ground, The | Robert Beavers | 2001 | 2020 | online | |
Hurt Locker, The | Kathryn Bigelow | 2008 | 2020 | Lionsgate | 4K |
Illusions | Julie Dash | 1982 | 2020 | Women Make Movies | DVD |
Joy Luck Club, The | Wayne Wang | 1993 | 2020 | Hollywood Pictures | BD |
Kid Auto Races at Venice | Henry Lehrman | 1914 | 2020 | Flicker Alley | DVD |
Lilies of the Field | Ralph Nelson | 1963 | 2020 | Kino | BD |
Losing Ground | Kathleen Collins | 1982 | 2020 | Milestone | BD |
Man With the Golden Arm, The | Otto Preminger | 1955 | 2020 | Warner Bros. | DVD |
Mauna Kea: Temple Under Siege | Puhipau & Joan Lander | 2006 | 2020 | Na Maka o ka Aina | DVD |
Outrage | Ida Lupino | 1950 | 2020 | Kino | BD |
Shrek | Andrew Adamson & Vicky Jenson | 2001 | 2020 | Universal | 4K |
Suspense | Phillips Smalley & Lois Weber | 1913 | 2020 | Kino | BD |
Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song | Melvin Van Peebles | 1971 | 2020 | Criterion | BD |
Wattstax | Mel Stuart | 1973 | 2020 | Warner Bros. | DVD |
With Car and Camera Around the World | Walter & Aloha Wanderwell | 1929 | 2020 | unavailable | |
Chicana | Sylvia Morales | 1979 | 2021 | Women Make Movies | DVD |
Cooley High | Michael Schultz | 1975 | 2021 | Criterion | BD |
Evergreen | Raymond D. Manczarek | 1964 | 2021 | Universal | DVD |
Flowers and Trees | Burt Gillett | 1932 | 2021 | Disney | DVD* |
Flying Ace, The | Richard E. Norman | 1926 | 2021 | Kino | BD |
Hell-Bound Train | James and Eloyce Gist | 1930 | 2021 | Kino | BD |
Jubilo | Clarence G. Badger | 1919 | 2021 | Alpha Video | DVD |
Long Goodbye, The | Robert Altman | 1973 | 2021 | Kino | BD |
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The* | Peter Jackson | 2001 | 2021 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Murder of Fred Hampton, The | Howard Alk | 1971 | 2021 | Facets | DVD* |
Nightmare on Elm Street, A* | Wes Craven | 1984 | 2021 | Warner Bros. | 4K |
Pink Flamingos* | John Waters | 1972 | 2021 | Criterion | BD |
Requiem-29 | David García | 1970 | 2021 | NLCC Educational Media | DVD* |
Richard Pryor: Live in Concert | Jeff Margolis | 1979 | 2021 | HBO | DVD* |
Ringling Brothers Parade Film | unknown | 1902 | 2021 | online | |
Selena* | Gregory Nava | 1997 | 2021 | Warner Archive | BD |
Sounder | Martin Ritt | 1972 | 2021 | Mill Creek | DVD |
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi | Richard Marquand | 1983 | 2021 | Disney | 4K |
Stop Making Sense | Jonathan Demme | 1984 | 2021 | A24 | 4K |
Strangers on a Train | Alfred Hitchcock | 1951 | 2021 | Warner Bros. | BD |
WALL-E | Andrew Stanton | 2008 | 2021 | Criterion | 4K |
Watermelon Woman, The | Cheryl Dunye | 1996 | 2021 | Criterion | BD |
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? | Robert Aldrich | 1962 | 2021 | Warner Archive | BD |
Who Killed Vincent Chin? | Christine Choy | 1987 | 2021 | Alexander Street Press | DVD* |
Wobblies, The | Deborah Shaffer and Stewart Bird | 1979 | 2021 | Kino | DVD |
Attica | Cinda Firestone | 1974 | 2022 | Films Media Group | DVD |
Ballad of Gregorio Cortez, The | Robert M. Young | 1982 | 2022 | Criterion | BD |
Behind Every Good Man… | Nikolai Ursin | 1967 | 2022 | online | |
Betty Tells Her Story | Liane Brandon | 1972 | 2022 | New Day Films | DVD |
Bush Mama | Haile Gerima | 1979 | 2022 | Mypheduh Films | DVD |
Cab Calloway Home Movies | Cab Calloway and Nuffie Calloway | 1948-1951 | 2022 | online | |
Carrie | Brian De Palma | 1976 | 2022 | Shout! Factory | 4K |
Charade | Stanley Donen | 1963 | 2022 | Criterion | BD |
Cyrano de Bergerac | Michael Gordon | 1950 | 2022 | Olive | BD |
Hairspray | John Waters | 1988 | 2022 | Warner Bros. | BD |
House Party | Reginald Hudlin | 1990 | 2022 | Warner Bros. | DVD |
Iron Man | Jon Favreau | 2008 | 2022 | Marvel Studios | 4K |
itam hakim, hopiit | Victor Masayesva Jr. | 1984 | 2022 | Documentary Educational Resources | DVD |
The Little Mermaid | John Musker and Ron Clements | 1989 | 2022 | Disney | 4K |
Manzanar | Robert Nakamura | 1971 | 2022 | Visual Communications | DVD |
Mardi Gras Carnival | unknown | 1898 | 2022 | online | |
Mingus | Thomas Reichman | 1968 | 2022 | EforFilms | DVD* |
Pariah | Dee Rees | 2011 | 2022 | Criterion | BD |
Scorpio Rising | Kenneth Anger | 1963 | 2022 | BFI | BD |
Super Fly | Gordon Parks Jr. | 1972 | 2022 | Warner Archive | BD |
Titicut Follies | Frederick Wiseman | 1967 | 2022 | Zipporah | DVD |
Tongues Untied | Marlon Riggs | 1989 | 2022 | Criterion | BD |
Union Maids | Julia Reichert, Jim Klein, and Miles Mogulescu | 1976 | 2022 | New Day Films | DVD |
When Harry Met Sally… | Rob Reiner | 1989 | 2022 | Shout! Factory | BD |
Word Is Out: Stories of Some of Our Lives | Mariposa Film Group | 1977 | 2022 | Milestone | DVD |
12 Years a Slave | Steve McQueen | 2013 | 2023 | 20th Century Fox | BD |
20 Feet From Stardom | Morgan Neville | 2013 | 2023 | Anchor Bay | BD |
¡Alambrista!* | Robert M. Young | 1977 | 2023 | Criterion | BD |
Apollo 13 | Ron Howard | 1995 | 2023 | Universal | 4K |
Bamboozled | Spike Lee | 2000 | 2023 | Criterion | BD |
Bohulano Family Film Collection | Delfin Paderes and Concepcion Moreno Bohulano | 1950s-1970s | 2023 | online | |
Cruisin’ J-Town | Duane Kubo | 1975 | 2023 | Visual Communications | DVD |
Desperately Seeking Susan | Susan Seidelman | 1985 | 2023 | Kino | BD |
Dinner at Eight | George Cukor | 1933 | 2023 | Warner Archive | BD |
Edge of the City | Martin Ritt | 1957 | 2023 | Warner Bros. | DVD |
Fame | Alan Parker | 1980 | 2023 | Warner Bros. | BD |
Helen Keller in Her Story* | Nancy Hamilton | 1954 | 2023 | Nobility Studios | DVD |
Home Alone | Chris Columbus | 1990 | 2023 | 20th Century Fox | BD |
Lady and the Tramp | Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson, Hamilton Luske | 1955 | 2023 | Disney | BD |
Lighted Field, The | Andrew Noren | 1987 | 2023 | online | |
Love & Basketball | Gina Prince-Bythewood | 2000 | 2023 | Criterion | BD |
Matewan | John Sayles | 1987 | 2023 | Criterion | BD |
Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision | Freida Lee Mock | 1994 | 2023 | Docurama | DVD* |
Movie Trip Through Filmland, A | Paul Fenton | 1921 | 2023 | online | |
Nightmare Before Christmas, The | Henry Selick | 1993 | 2023 | Touchstone | 4K |
Passing Through | Larry Clark | 1977 | 2023 | online | |
Queen of Diamonds | Nina Menkes | 1991 | 2023 | Arbelos | BD |
Terminator 2: Judgment Day | James Cameron | 1991 | 2023 | Lionsgate | 4K |
Wedding Banquet, The | Ang Lee | 1993 | 2023 | MGM | DVD |
We’re Alive | Michie Gleason, Christine Lesiak, and Kathy Levitt | 1974 | 2023 | online | |
American Me | Edward James Olmos | 1992 | 2024 | Shout! Factory | BD |
Angels With Dirty Faces | Michael Curtiz | 1938 | 2024 | Warner Archive | BD |
Annabelle Serpentine Dance | William Heise and William K.L. Dickson | 1895 | 2024 | Kino | DVD |
Beverly Hills Cop | Martin Brest | 1984 | 2024 | Paramount | 4K |
Chelsea Girls | Andy Warhol and Paul Morrissey | 1966 | 2024 | Raro Video | DVD** |
Common Threads: Stories From the Quilt | Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman | 1989 | 2024 | Milestone | BD |
Compensation | Zeinabu irene Davis | 1999 | 2024 | Women Make Movies | DVD* |
Dirty Dancing | Emile Ardolino | 1987 | 2024 | Lionsgate | 4K |
Ganja & Hess | Bill Gunn | 1973 | 2024 | Kino | BD |
Invaders From Mars | William Cameron Menzies | 1953 | 2024 | Ignite Films | 4K |
KoKo’s Earth Control | Dave Fleischer | 1928 | 2024 | online | |
Miracle Worker, The | Arthur Penn | 1962 | 2024 | Olive | BD |
My Family | Gregory Nava | 1995 | 2024 | New Line | DVD |
My Own Private Idaho | Gus Van Sant | 1991 | 2024 | Criterion | BD |
No Country for Old Men | Joel Coen and Ethan Coen | 2007 | 2024 | Criterion | 4K |
Powwow Highway | Jonathan Wacks | 1989 | 2024 | Anchor Bay | DVD* |
Pride of the Yankees, The | Sam Wood | 1942 | 2024 | Warner Archive | DVD |
Social Network, The | David Fincher | 2010 | 2024 | Sony | 4K |
Spy Kids | Robert Rodriguez | 2001 | 2024 | Paramount | BD |
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan* | Nicholas Meyer | 1982 | 2024 | Paramount | 4K |
Texas Chain Saw Massacre, The | Tobe Hooper | 1974 | 2024 | MPI | 4K |
Up in Smoke | Lou Adler | 1978 | 2024 | Paramount | BD |
Uptown Saturday Night | Sidney Poitier | 1974 | 2024 | Warner Bros. | DVD |
Will | Jessie Maple | 1981 | 2024 | online | |
Zora Lathan Student Films | Adaora “Zora” Lathan | 1975-1976 | 2024 | online |